Selas High Blast Torch

Selas High Blast Torch

Selas High blast torches (Product No. 3245) use a small amount of high pressure air to entrain incoming gas at the mixer.

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Motor-Operated Butterfly Valve Package with Flange by Selas Model BV-CMAP

Motor-Operated Butterfly Valve Package with Flange by Selas Model BV-CMAP

The Selas BV-CMAP (Product No. 1302) motor-operated butterfly valves are used for modulating air and gas flows for most types of combustion systems.

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Flanges, Adapters and Ports

Flanges, Adapters and Ports

These industrial burner accessories, flanges-adapters-view ports, provide more utility and ease of connection for multiple burner components.

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Gas Cocks

Gas Cocks

Gas Cocks are small valves engineered for dependable operation.

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