Must Buy Product Redi-Pak® Patented Premix Burner Control System

Redi-Pak® Patented Premix Burner Control System

A self-contained blower and mixer, with heat modulation and flame controls to light and monitor premix burners.

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Selas UV Scanner

Selas UV Scanner

The Selas 7150 Ultra Violet Detector is a photo-sensitive flame sensor for use with the Selas Sens-A-Flame II and flame monitoring system.

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Custom Control Panels

Custom Control Panels

Selas Custom Burner Control Panels (Product No. 7210) are factory assembled and tested packaged control panels for grouping controls and accessories.

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Flame Ignitors/Monitor

Flame Ignitors/Monitor

The Series 2000 pilot flame ignitors and monitors are assemblies that are welded to the ends of Selas surface combustion infrared burners. They provide 100 reliability in the light off and monitoring of the burner.

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Electrodes and Flame Safeties

Electrodes and Flame Safeties

Heavy duty reliable flame ignition and monitoring.

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