Request a Site Visit with Suggestions to Improve the Safety and Performance of Your Combustion Processes
Are you compliant with NFPA 86 and 54 safety codes?
The National Fire Protection Agency’s NFPA 86 standard for ovens and furnaces is the most widely referenced standard in the United States for industrial heat processing equipment and often used to help determine OSHA compliance. NFPA 54 is the required standard for installation and safety of fuel gas piping systems.
These standards have new requirements that were implemented in 2015 and they are written in a style that can be difficult to interpret correctly without knowing their history and being involved in their development. Selas has the knowledge and experience to help you meet compliance for NFPA 86 and NFPA 54. Don’t risk a safety hazard or OSHA violation.
Are you getting maximum energy efficiency from your gas-infrared burners and combustion equipment?
A small increase in energy efficiency can yield significant cost savings in a short period of time. Selas offers a wide range of burners, air / gas mixing valves, and control systems that can improve fuel efficiency and reduce your energy costs.
Services Included:
- Comprehensive NFPA 86 Audits
- Comprehensive Thermal Imaging Services
- Burner Tuning with combustion flue gas analysis
- Preventative Maintenance and contract services
- Rebuild and Refurbish Selas and Pacific Scientific furnaces
- Upgrades and Retrofits combustion equipment, mixing valves, safety valves, flame arresters, compressors, burners, control panels
- Installation Support Services for all combustion equipment
- Annual Inspection and Testing of safety components per NFPA 86
- Energy and Fuel Saving Audits
Site Visit with Inspection
Our team of technical service experts are available for a site visit to review the safety and energy efficiency of your heating operations.
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